
"...true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." - John 4:23

Calvary's Worship Ministry exists to glorify and exalt Jesus Christ by serving him as "One Heart with One Mission!" Together we lift adoring hearts with praise and gratitude to our Maker, Lord and King, filling God's house with majestic music He created to bring glory to His name.

We believe that God deserves our very best efforts as we worship Him in His holy sanctuary. God has brought together a synergistic staff in these various areas of worship, and numerous opportunities are provided for those who wish to serve the Lord with their talents in music, drama and media.

How you can serve:

Music Drama Media

Sunday Services:

Beaumont Campus

Central - Blended-style music led by our Calvary Choir & Orchestra

V2 - Contemporary worship music led by the V2 Band

Lumberton Campus

North - Blended-style worship music led by the Calvary North band and praise team