
At Calvary missions is not just something we do.  It is a way of life.  We believe the the church is called to be on mission with God, which is the responsibility of every believer. God is missional by nature and He calls all believers to ministry and to be on mission with Him. God is a sender. His love for us caused Him to send Jesus into the world. It is our love for Him and for His people that causes us to take His message to people all over the world who need to hear about His life-changing love and grace.

From serving in one of our many local mission opportunities to being involved with state, national, and international missions, there are multitude of opportunities for every member of Calvary to be on mission. The question is not "Are you called to missions? Acts 1:8 says "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." The answer is clear. We are all empowered.  We are all called. We are all sent. The only questions we need to ask are: Where and among whom?